Flu shot Case Pigs 6000 Worldwide

A/H1N1 flu cases also known as swine flu has reached around 5914 when two more European and Asian countries reported their first cases of the findings Tuesday. Thailand and Finland reported each found two cases, after Cuba before the first confirmed case of H1N1, which overrides a student at Havana Mexican origin, so that the number of countries reported flu become contagious 33.

In the United States (USA), which exceeds Mexico, 3009 Tuesday reported a number of people contracting the virus dites positive in 45 of 50 parts of the country, three of them died. The number of confirmed cases was reported Monday as PNA and Xin reached 2600 in 44 states, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention USA (CDC).

The increase indicates that the influenza A/H1N1 epidemic continues to escalate in the U.S. CDC officials said, they estimate A/H1N1 flu virus will spread to all 50 states. Mexican government Tuesday to add two A/H1N1 flu victim died so that people become 58. Number of cases of flu in that country increased from 2282 into 2059 Monday.

Schools, kindergarten, primary and secondary re-opened for the first time Monday, after more than two weekends holiday. In a press conference Tuesday morning, the Minister of Health of Mexico, Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, said that the government has identified 100,000 children experience the symptoms of flu Monday.

Approximately half of the children went to school with healthy enough, but the other is still not allowed outside the home.
Meanwhile in Canada, cases of bird flu continues to increase and is now reaching 358, Tuesday, or add 28 new cases than ever before, said the date from the Public Health Agency of Canada, on Tuesday evening.

Until now, 10 of 13 provinces in Canada and some areas are reported infected.
So far this new one that is associated with the dead virus. Meanwhile in Latin America, some countries reported an increase in flu cases this A/H1N1. Health Minister of Panama, said the number of cases in the country increased to 29, including 11 cases confirmed Tuesday.

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